Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Kings David and Solomon: from 10th Century B.C.E. to Present Day Controversy

Kings David and Solomon: From 10th Century B. C. E. to present day Controversy Introduction Perhaps the most famous Old Testament Kings, as well as two of the most famous Hebrew heroes of all time were, King Solomon and his father King David. Their stories have been told time and time again throughout the ages: passed down orally for centuries, then later reproduced and shared all over the globe as intricate portions of many historical religious texts including the Torah, the Koran and the Holy Bible. Biblical sources include: I Chronicles, I Kings, Ecclesiastes, as well as the accounts of many prophets.Furthermore, King David and King Solomon have been attributed to writing several Old Testament books including: the Song of Solomon, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and various Psalms. Historically, David is known for uniting the Kingdom of Israel, replacing Hebron and making Jerusalem its capitol, as well as establishing a dynasty that was held sacred in the hearts and hopes of the Jews for centuries after its demise. His son and successor Solomon is most noted for advancing David’s kingdom and for building the First Temple.In fact, according to Abba Eban (1999), author of over half a dozen historical reference books on Jewish history as well as the PBS television series â€Å"Civilization and the Jews,† â€Å"Solomon’s Temple was the crowning glory of a building program that rivaled those of the Pharaohs† (p. 50). Archaeologists claim to have found remnants of Solomon’s Temple as well in the form of a tablet dated tenth century B. C. E. (Carpenter, 2003, p. 46). However, not all historians and archaeologists agree to the authenticity of the tablet or even to the extent of King David and King Solomon’s rule.Recently, controversy has erupted concerning whether or not, King David and King Solomon, of the Old Testament (also known as the Jewish Bible) were actually the â€Å"grand builders of the united north-south monarchy in An cient Palestine† attributed to them through the Bible and said to unravel after their demise (Halken, 2006, p. 41). The Legacies of David and Solomon According to Rogerson (1999): It is no surprise that David should be one of the most important figures in the bible. As printed in the tradition his achievements were outstanding.Before his reign Israel was a defeated vassal people. Within a few years David made Israel free, and even extended his control over some small neighbouring peoples. Before his reign there was no one dominant political or religious centre in Israel. Within a few years Jerusalem had obtained a centrality that it never subsequently lost (p. 82). David was born around 1040 B. C. E. in Bethlehem, Judah (Castel, 1985, p. 87). He grew up the youngest of eight sons of Jesse, and has been linked with the Ammonite royal family (Rogerson, 1999, p. 78; 2 Samuel, 10: 1-2; 17:25-7).As a teenager David joined the entourage of Israeli King Saul as a minstrel and harpsic hord player. It was during this time period that he first gained notoriety when he defeated the ominous giant Goliath armed with a mere slingshot. In 1 Samuel 18:20-30 it states that with a dowry of 200 Philistine foreskins he married King Saul’s daughter Michal. Unfortunately, David’s marital bliss was cut short by the jealousy of his new father-in-law. Already a seasoned warrior David was praised as a military force with songs proclaiming â€Å"Saul has slain his thousands, and David his ten thousands† (Rogerson, 1999, p. 78).While fleeing Saul’s armies to the south, David accomplished a great many military victories alongside his former enemies the Philistines, as described in 1 Samuel. Though his military reign started as an almost nomadic band with him a â€Å"robin-hood like bandit-chief,† his strategic prowess was realized by the Judean elders and he was proclaimed King of Judah in Hebron, c. a. 1010 (although some texts have him proclaiming himself King of Judah) (Castel, 1985, p. 89; Halkin, 2006, p. 41). He unified the Israeli tribes to the north and Judah to south and became the ruler of all of Israel seven years later following the death of King Saul c. a. 000 B. C. E. (Castel, 1985, pp. 87-89; Grant, 1984, pp. 75-78; Learsi, 1949, pp. 49-51; Rogerson, 1999, pp. 79-80; 2 Samuel, c. a. 1100-1010 B. C. E. , pp. 505-555). In a brilliant political move David took over the Jebusite city of Jerusalem and made it the capitol of the new United Kingdom of Israel â€Å"thenceforward to be honored as the City of David† (2 Samuel, 1997, pp. 505-555; Eban, 1999, p. 47). Moving the capitol to Jerusalem was an ingenious move on David’s part since it placed him geographically between the northern tribes of Israel and the former Judah. This also unified the Hebrew nation politically since Jerusalem was a fresh tart, not being formerly of Israel or Judah. In order to unify the nation religiously David (with the help o f King Hiram of Tyre) built a palace on Mount Zion where he housed the Ark of the Covenant (Castel, 1985, p. 90; Eban, 1999, p. 49; Halkin, 2006, p. 43; Learsi, 1949, p. 55; Rogerson, 1999, pp. 81-82). He then set out to expand his kingdom taking over and taxing all of Canaan (Rogerson, 1999, p. 82). King David ruled Israel for the next 33 years (Castel, 1985, p. 89; Harkin, 2006, p. 41). Unfortunately the house of David, like many great monarchs (especially those who practiced polygamy) faced great diplomatic personal odds.Among them was internal dissent including a great deal of â€Å"palace intrigue† that was coupled with David’s personal struggles involving subduing his strong passionate nature (1 Samuel, 1997, pp. 439-504; 2 Samuel, 1997, pp. 505-555). As for Solomon, his controversial legacy began before his birth with the scandalous circumstances surrounding his parents union. His mother, Bathsheba, had been married to another man when David saw her, had her, an d then had her husband put to death by placing him on the front lines of battle (Rogerson, 1999, p. 85). Since Bathsheba was a favorite of David’s he promised her that her son would be his successor.It took some clever maneuvering but Solomon was proclaimed King of Israel in c. a. 960 (Harkin, 2006, p. 43). Solomon’s reign was characterized by his diplomatic matrimonial choices, made in order to enhance his trade routes and expand his Kingdom. His first betrothal was to one of King Hiram’s daughters, solidifying his kinship with Tyre. This provided him with the materials necessary to build his father’s Temple. Another strategic marriage was to an Egyptian pharoah’s daughter. As a dowry the pharaoh burnt down the city Gezer and gave it to Solomon.All in all Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines (Eban, 1984, p. 49-50). Historical and Archaeological Controversy In the last several years there has been an abundance of historical and archaeological d ebate over the reigns of King David and King Solomon. According to Harkin (2006) archaeologist Israel Finkelstein and author Neil Asher Silberman state that, kings David and Solomon, though â€Å"genuine historical figures† were but â€Å"bandit chiefs† (p. 41). Finkelstein believes that Israel could not have reached its peak during the reigns of David and Solomon in the 10th century, but rather in the 8th or 9th.Finkelstein’s account relies wholly on the lack of archaeological evidence to prove the existence of the monumental architecture described in the biblical accounts of David and Solomon (Harkin, 2006, pp. 41-48). However, their opinion is countered by several archaeological discoveries that have occurred over the last several years, resulting in their evidence being described as â€Å"†¦tendentious†¦like a conspiracy theory†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Harkin, 2006, p. 48). According to Blakely (2002) two maps of tenth century BC. E. ere uncovered providing archaeological evidence of King David and King Solomon’s kingdom (p. 49). Then in 2003 a possible breakthrough discovery was made: a piece of sandstone was unearthed said to be the first documented archaeological evidence of Solomon’s temple. Researchers at the Geological Survey of Israel examined the tablets and found them to be â€Å"almost certainly genuine† (Carpenter, 2003, p. 46). According to Bar-llan University archaeologist Gabrial Barkai, these tablets â€Å"could be the most significant archaeological finding in yet in the land of Israel† (Carpenter, 2003, p. 6). Further proof of the existence of King David and King Solomon’s kingdom was the amazing find of a 3000 plus structure by archaeologist Eilat Mazar which debunks Finkelstein’s claim that David and Solomon were nothing but â€Å"bandit chiefs† (Halkin, 2006, pp. 41-48). Conclusion The tedious process of gathering archaeological information certainly takes time. Not just time but a great deal of clever maneuvering, as well as ready manpower and abundant monetary resources. Even if you do have permission to dig, there is modern day architecture to be worked around.One just cannot go around up heaving present day civilizations in order to prove the existence of past civilizations. However, in the case of kings David and Solomon their existence has been proven time and time again. Backing up the biblical account is the â€Å"Tel Dan Stele† an Aramaic text uncovered in 1993 dated 835 B. C. E. which boasts of Hazael King of Damascus’ victory over northern Israel’s king Jehoram son of Ahab and southern Judah’s Ahaziahu of the house of David (Halkin, 2006, p. 48).

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Southwest Airlines: Organizational Commitment and Communication

Southwest Airlines’ strong organizational culture is reflected in its mission as shown in its website: â€Å"dedication to the highest quality of Customer Service delivered with a sense of warmth, friendliness, individual pride, and Company Spirit. † Southwest is a company that not only excels in customer service and profitability but also in employee development. Its organizational commitment is not reduce to the organization; it is actually expand it to an ongoing relationship with the employees where they have the opportunity to express their ideas, suggestions and concerns. This organizational culture has made Southwest Airlines one of the companies with the fewest customer complaints, and an employee turnover ratio of less than 10 percent (D’Aurizio, 2008). The same strong culture Southwest Airlines has built over the time is supported by every employee who has in mind that they have to deliver a warm and friendly assistance to their customers. Southwest management’s strategy could not be any better; the management treats employees as family, expecting from the employees to treat customers like family as well. The company is characterized for having a decentralized structure. In between the CEO and the frontline supervisors, there are only a few levels. Their philosophy on structure is very relaxed. Any employee who feels the need is welcomed to contact someone above their supervisor. The president has three executive vice presidents who each have five or six vice presidents who report to them. There is one vice president of Internal Audits and Special Projects who reports directly to the president. (Rivera, Cornwell, Abenes, 2003) The Southwest culture creates and integrates a dedicated and motivated workforce that succeeds together. The owners’ leadership style is led by example; that is how Kelleher treats his employees, like family, he is open to communicate and he also knows the vital role in forming this unique culture. Before people become employed at Southwest, the managers in charge of the hiring interview make sure they embed the organizational culture in the candidates. When they become part of the Southwest family, then they are treated like part of it. Any event in the lives of the employees are acknowledged and celebrated by everyone, everyone cherish for the success and happiness of the members of the family. The company establishes special programs for families of employees. The company listens to comments and feedback, not only from employees, but also employees’ families, customers, and vendors (D’Aurizio, 2008). This company has become profitable by putting into practice the philosophy of an open communication. Southwest does not have the culture only in paper, they actually live it. The managers start giving the example to the employees, and they follow their leaders. Southwest strategically generates satisfaction to their employees, this needs satisfactions will later reflect and convert into satisfaction to the customer and shareholder value via organizational capabilities I believe the success of Southwest Airlines comes from the combination of different sources of power. Part of it comes from the expert power, and also from the reward power. Southwest management had has the ability and knowledge to create such an amazing organizational culture, this ability is the expertise power. Now the way they have applied the idea into real actions, the fact that they led by example and treat the employees as family is the reward power. The management has gained the respect, trust and loyalty from their employees. This is because of what they have done not only with words but more important with actions. Concerning the communication aspect, this plays an important role in the organizational culture of Southwest Airlines and the way the employees perceive that culture. The website Reference for Business (2009) explain how the contend of a message send will be perceive in different way by every individual. Each person gives their own personal meaning to the message received. This also happens due to the experience, the receiver makes sense out of a message based on experience. No one can perceive experiences in the same exact way as another does. Each individual has a unique set of experiences, a unique perceptual â€Å"filter,† that helps them to understand or interpret messages received. These filters are built over time by each individual person according to their childhood background, and the life experiences. Finally, we can say that the combination of the message received and he experience of the receiver is what makes an interpretation of the message. This is the reason why Southwest management emphasizes in a clear and concrete communication. They know how some messages can be easily misunderstood or twisted on the way. And this is the reason why they keep an open communication to the employees. Allowing questions when the message was not clear, as well as allowing suggestions when the employees do not agree. The challenge for every organization is how to create a great channel of communication that will enable employees to comprehend messages in the way they were originally intended to be transmitted. According to Beebe and Masterson, â€Å"conflict in a group occurs when members disagree over two or more options that a group can take in trying to make a decision, resolve a problem, or achieve a goal† (Chapter 7, p. 69). Other types of conflicts can occur as a result of differences in goal. Now, the good news about conflict is that it can be use in a positive way contrarily to the popular belief that states that a conflict should always be avoided. Southwest Airlines, for example, could use conflict to challenge their employees to research, or come up with ideas of how to resolve some specific issues, problems. Additional researches will help to determine a better way to fix problem that are costing a lot of money to the company. The commitment of Southwest airlines is to a culture that motivates, empowers and promotes employees to make the company one of the best companies to work for, as well as one of the most profitable one. One of the most important tools this company uses is the open communication and the in-house advancement that encourages a positive perception of company culture, allowing employees the opportunity to express ideas, suggestions, concerns that Make them believe they are part of the Southwest â€Å"family†. Southwest best strategy is the commitment not only to the organization itself but also to the employees. Everyone there is part of a big family who works hard to keep harmony n within the family. They use great leadership styles where the managers led by example and they are always open to any communication. This company should be use as example as what it is to build a great culture and a great organizational commitment.

Daytime Bakery Company Essay

To the above named defendant: Daytime Bakery Company   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Take notice that: On January 31, 2007 at 9:00a.m., in the District Court, Greendale, Georgia, if an answer is not filed, the court may be asked to enter judgment against you as set forth by the complaint. A copy of the complaint is attached. If you do not agree with the complaint then you must either: Go to court, located at 149 Blooms Street, Greendale, Georgia at the above date and time and file an answer stating any legal reason you have why judgment should not be entered against you, or File an answer with the court before that date and time. If you file an answer, you must give or mail a copy to the Plaintiff’s attorney who signed the complaint. If you do not file an answer or appear at the hearing, then the court may enter default judgment against you for the relief requested in the complaint. Michael Monroe Attorney at Law 522 Law Office Lane Georgia, CO 805111 352-121-5152 FAX: 352-111-5322 June 13, 2007 Anthony Craig Manager, Albuquerque Flames P.O. Box 1123 Northville, Albuquerque RE:  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Demand for Compensatory Relief Dear Mr. Craig: I am representing one Randy Offerdahl who is seeking for compensatory relief from your professional football team, Albuquerque Flames. My client claims that he was denied the opportunity to try out as a kicker for the team on the unfair grounds of his having epilepsy. My client is complaining the said discrimination and is claiming that he would have made the team and earned a $300,000.00 contract had he been given the chance. My client has played against 40% of the current Albuquerque Flames team members during his college football career, and claims that he can hold his own against them. This letter serves as a demand for compensatory relief in the amount of Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00) to be paid in certified funds no later than June 30, 2007. This amount and any future correspondence should be sent directly to the undersigned. I trust that you will consider this option seriously so as to avoid additional attorney’s fees should this issue remain unsettled by the administered deadline. You may have your attorneys contact my office regarding any questions that you might have. DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF GREENDALE, GEORGIA COURT USE ONLY Plaintiff: John Evans    v.    Defendant: Daytime Bakery Company Roger H. Wilder Case No.: 00CV1003                         Div: 8  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Ctrm: 3 Attorney for the defendant 503 Law Office Lane Georgia, CO 805123    352-134-5851 FAX: 352-134-5821 Registration #: 1141 ANSWER   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The defendant, Daytime Bakery Company, by and through its counsel, Roger H. Wilder, for its answer states and alleges as follows:    1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The defendant is well aware of Ordinance # 115 and is in full compliance with its statues.    2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The defendant admits the allegation that the sidewalk outside Daytime Bakery Company has not been shoveled for the past four (4) days prior to the plaintiff’s accident.    3.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The defendant claims that despite of this, salt was consistently being applied on it on a daily basis in order to prevent any accidents as in compliance with Ordinance # 115.       AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE    1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The plaintiff’s own carelessness caused his accident.    WHEREFORE, the defendant hopes that the plaintiff recovers nothing by reason of his Complaint and that his Complaint be dismissed.    Defendant’s Address: P.O. Box H, Carlton Ave. Greendale, Georgia   18941-0508    Respectfully Submitted:    _________________________ Roger H. Wilder #1141 Attorney for Defendant    DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF GREENDALE, GEORGIA COURT USE ONLY Plaintiff: Kim Latros    v.    Defendant: Officer Harry Davis Roger H. Wilder Case No.:                   Div:  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Ctrm: 503 Law Office Lane Georgia, CO 805123       352-134-5851 FAX: 352-134-5821 Registration #: 1141 COMPLAINT   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The plaintiff, Ms. Kim Latros, by and through her counsel, Roger H. Wilder, for her complaint against the defendant alleges as follows:    1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Plaintiff is a citizen of Georgia, residing at 1511 Greenwood Street, Greendale, Georgia. The incident occurred in the state of Georgia, County of Greendale.    2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The defendant is an office of the Georgia Police Department    3.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   On June 8, 2007, the plaintiff’s car was pulled over by the defendant supposedly because the car’s license tags were expired. When the plaintiff got out of the car and checked that the tags were not expired, the defendant placed her in handcuffs, read her her Miranda rights, and placed her under arrest for carrying a concealed weapon. The defendant brought her to Georgia Police Department, all the time ignoring her admonitions that she had a permit for the weapon which she was able to produce later on.    4.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The plaintiff has since the incident, suffered from psychological trauma because of the defendant’s actions.    Note: Middle Portion of Document Intentionally Missing    WHEREFORE, the plaintiff prays for judgment against defendant in an amount to be proven at the time of the trial, including psychiatric bills, emotional damages, and costs in filing this suit, interest from the date of commencement of this action, expert witness fees, attorney’s fees, and for such other and further relief as to this Court may seem just and proper.    THE PLAINTIFF DEMANDS THAT THIS ACTION BE TRIED BY JURY    Plaintiff’s Address: 1511 Greenwood Street, Greendale, Georgia Respectfully Submitted: _______________________ Roger H. Wilder #1141 Attorney for Plaintiff

Monday, July 29, 2019

Explain the processes involved in a space shuttles flight path Essay

Explain the processes involved in a space shuttles flight path - Essay Example The paper is aimed to present and focus on the Space Shuttle flight path which is considered as the stages of the flight missions of the craft. The Space Shuttle flight path is composed of different stages. The first stage is taking off which can be compared to a rocket. The second stage is orbiting like a satellite. The last stage then is going back to Earth and landing like a glider. These routine flights are important for different purposes such as maintenance of the Hubble Space Telescope and the International Space Station. Other missions are also related to military, scientific and commercial purposes (Barrett, 1985; Dwiggins, 1985). The main system is officially referred to as Space Transportation System (STS). It is composed of the shuttle, the launch boosters and other components. The flight path of the Space Shuttle is composed of the launch, the SRB separation, fuel tank separation, orbit, retrofire, entry, approach and landing. These stages of the flight path are enabled by the different components such as the solid rocket boosters (SRB), the external fuel tank (ET), the orbiter or the shuttle itself and the three main engines integral to the orbiter (Barrett, 1985; Dwiggins, 1985; Freudenrich, 2001). The typical routine flight path of the Space shuttle starts with getting into orbit which is composed of the launch the ascent and the orbital maneuvering burn. The said stage is followed by the orbit phase when the main objectives of the mission are undertaken such as repair and maintenance of the different spacecrafts in orbit and the delivery of crews and supplies needed. After a few days to a maximum of 14 days in orbit, the Space Shuttle will re-enter the Earth’s atmosphere again. Landing is the last stage of the mission wherein the aircraft requires the glider-like capability to be able to stay intact (Freudenrich, 2001). Launching a Space Shuttle can be considered as one of the most challenging

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Conference and Banqueting Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Conference and Banqueting Management - Assignment Example In the era of globalization, conference industry is regarded as the significant and vital. This is mainly due to the fact that it can help to bridge the gap modification of numerous industries from one nation to another. Example of the pivotal conference is World Expo. This conference is considered as the large scale worldwide international expo. Banquet industry is basically served as the purpose for large feast or meal. It is completed by the introduction of main course and ending with deserts. The purpose of the fest or meal can be for celebration, charitable occasion and honour of someone or can be ceremony. It has been estimated that in the UK more than 1.8 million people are being employed in the hospitality industry. This reveals the scope of conference and banquet industry which is crucial for any country. In the year 2006, it has found out that in UK more than 1.37 million conferences are held (Galal, 2008, p.72). According to one of the catering company Sodexo Prestige, it is determined that banqueting and conference sector has enjoyed a sustainable growth over the period of time which is regarded as resurgent. This is also defined as the scope of banquet and conference industry as it can help to maintain economic growth and sustainability in UK. Banquet industry was previously regarded as only food and beverage event. But eventually it has evolved from personalized catering business for any occasion in to full throttle event management industry. The scope of banquet industry is enormous as it is worth of about 500 billion dollars globally (Sernovitz, 2012, p.32). Due to the mature growth of banquet industry, it enabled catering companies to achieve some additional services which can be increase in revenue per contract or can be increase in royal customer base. Banquet in the older days were lot more different than of modern perception. In the 16th century, after dinner guests used to drink wine. But during the 17th century, after dinner

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Dealing with Reality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Dealing with Reality - Essay Example She just arrives in New Orleans to stay with her elder sister Stella who is now pregnant and lives with her husband, Stanley whom Blanche finds to be a pain in her neck. From the investigations made by Stanley, he reveals that she is far from the chaste and respectable woman that she pretends to be because she has had affairs with several men she barely knows, especially with a 17-year old student that led to her dismissal from school. Her actions and dialogues also reveal other characteristics of Blanche. She is a middle-aged woman from the South who formerly taught in high school. Coming from the South, Blanche carries with her the old customs and attitude of her place including her idealistic treatment of women, which she tries to impose on the men she meets including her brother-in-law, Stanley and her suitor, Mitch. When Mitch wants to make love with her, she declares, â€Å"I guess it is just that I have--old-fashioned ideas!† but while she says this, she rolls her eyes, implying that she is doing lip-service. Blanche tries to cover up the ugly realities of her life. She declares, â€Å"Yes, yes, magic! I try to give that to people. I misrepresent things to them. I don't tell truth, I tell what ought to be the truth.† With this, Blanche confirms her tendency to deny reality. However, she prefers to submit herself to fantasy and denial. Instead of facing her problems squarely and trying to overcome loneliness by focusing on her career and getting married, she keeps on drinking liquor to cover up her feelings. This leads to her tragic ending when Stanley rapes her and she loses her sanity. Blanche tries to hide reality in order to fool people. She tells Mitch that if this act is â€Å"sinful, then let me be damned for it! - Don't turn the light on!† (Scene 9). Blanche always meets Mitch in the dark so that she could cover up the truth about her.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Advanced Obstetrics for Paramedics Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Advanced Obstetrics for Paramedics - Assignment Example lead to acute anemia, delay or even failure of breastfeeding, hemorrhagic shock, pituitary infarction, coagulopathy, renal failure/acute tubular necrosis, coma, prolonged hospital stay, emergency surgery or angiographic intervention, need for hysterectomy etc. In a population-based research, it has been seen that risk of PPH is 5.8% in first pregnancy whether 4-5% in a second or third time pregnancy. However, risk is more than 15% in the subsequent pregnancy. Risk of PPH and average blood loss both are greater in caesarean section operations. Postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) can be defined as blood loss of 500mL or even more during and at the time of childbirth. In most severe case, blood loss of 1000mL or more amount of blood loss, which can cause hemodynamic compromise. PPH can be divided in to two categories that are primary PPH and secondary PPH. Primary PPH can occur within the first 24 hours after birth where as secondary PPH can occur in between 24 hours to 6 weeks of postpartum. However, in most of the cases PPH fall under the primary PPH category  (Kapungu, Koch, Miller & Geller, n.d.). Approximately 75% of the primary PPH cases are due to ‘Uterine Atony’. Secondary PPH is due to infection or retained products of conception. In developed countries, it becomes easy to manage in hospitals but in underdeveloped and developing country urgent PPH management is necessary. Risk of PPH can be reduced by almost 50% with administering oxytocic drugs. It has been seen that routine prophylaxis can help to reduce 70% of the need of oxytocics drug to heal excessive postpartum bleeding. Oxytocin is the most preferred uterotonic among the medical practitioners. It stimulates smooth muscle tissue of the upper part of the uterus (Lalonde & others, 2013). Oxytocin helps it to contract rhythmically. It facilitates constricting blood vessels and helps in decreasing blood flow in the uterus. It is an effective and safe choice for PPH treatment. Intravenous mode of infusion is

Thursday, July 25, 2019

The current national security structure of the united states Essay

The current national security structure of the united states - Essay Example nsists of both statutory members who are President, the Vice President, the Secretary of State, and the Secretary of Defense and statutory advisers who are the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS) and the Director of Central Intelligence. National security and defense authority rests with the President and the Secretary of Defense as his principal assistant who is responsible for the military departments and their efficient operation. The National Command Authorities (NCA) represented by the President and Secretary of Defense direct the execution of military action and movement of troops. The Departments of Defense is responsible for maintaining Armed Forces to ensure effective military action, the security of the United States as well as advance of the national policies and interest of the United States. DOD is composed of Secretary of Defense, Joint Chiefs of Staff DOD Staff, 16 Defense Agencies, DOD field activities, military departments and combatant commands. The national security in 21th century was shaken by September, 11 terrorist attacks which questioned the security of U.S borders and its citizens. World known date altered the vision of national security and since then many changes were set in motion to protect border security and still welcome guests in the U.S. The most difficult thing about these changes was keeping the balance between stronger security and facilitating travel and commerce development. (Rice & Chertoff, 2005) As the border protection must be balanced against the demand for the free flow of commerce, Congress tasked the Department of Homeland Security not only with protecting the borders, but also â€Å"ensuring the speedy, orderly, and efficient flow of lawful traffic and commerce.† (Homeland Security Act) Creation of the Department of Homeland Security along with other important bodies like the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, the Homeland Security Council, the National Counterterrorism Center, and U.S.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Communication and Cultural Studies Annotated Bibliography

Communication and Cultural Studies - Annotated Bibliography Example "We asked participants to revise and expand their conference papers with these perspectives in mind. The resulting volume presents an interdisciplinary look at how power and forms of cultural representation interacted in the context of Austrian-American relations during the cold war. Taken as a whole, the contributions challenge naive notions of cultural imperialism." "Since the beginning of time, humans have expressed a concern for ethics. Plato Republic is essentially a work of political ethics, as is Aristotle Nicomachean Ethics. For both Plato and Aristotle, the "good" person was a conscientious citizen contributing to the city-state. The notion of civic virtue implies a citizenry that is informed, active, selfless, enlightened and, above all, just." Rhetoric and the study of communications have long lent themselves to research into ethics. "There is universal agreement that human communication demands concern for ethics." These essays are the product of a conference of international proportions that were sponsored by the Linacre Centre to discover the importance of the encyclical Evangelium vitae (in 1995) of John Paul II. The purpose of the study was for healthcare ethics.

Palm Oil in South East Asia Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Palm Oil in South East Asia - Research Paper Example In addition, many of these smallholder palm oil producers are not well educated, due to which they lack skills and techniques of conducting business activities, efficiently. These two reasons has been the core element that causes lack of efficiency in the production of palm oil in the country. Moreover, limited production of palm oil by these smallholders also put deep impact on the overall production of palm oil by Indonesia. In this way, resources are heavily wasted by the producers, which can easily be utilized for earning precious foreign reserve for the country (World Growth, 2011). The government of Indonesia has realized the importance of wasted resources in palm oil industry and has stepped forward to overcome the loss of precious natural resource. Government, in collaboration with large scale palm oil producers, is hiring experts and technicians to provide assistance to the smallholders. Also, the government is spending heavily on conducting research and development of palm seed, fertilizers and pesticides to ensure maximum output. These seeds, fertilizers and pesticides are provided to smallholders on subsidized prices, which make it possible for every smallholder to afford better options for cultivating and harvesting palm oil. To further facilitate the smallholders, Government has introduced several schemes such as RISDA, FELCRA and FELDA. All these schemes focus on land reforms, land resettlement and rehabilitation of smallholders. Moreover, these schemes also aim at educating the smallholder palm oil producers about the potential of greater production that their lands can deliver. These measures, along with other measures that are not discussed in this report, by the Indonesian government are designed keeping in view the necessity for developing businesses and industries sustainably. Since the intervention of Indonesian government in

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Review of Litterature on Finance and Potential Areas of Development Literature

Of Litterature on Finance and Potential Areas of Development for Further Reseaarch - Literature review Example Thus the concept of finance includes several underlying theories and understanding that make the system applicable towards the achievement of the financial goals and objectives of the business organizations or the world as a whole. The present study focuses on a literature review thereby discussing on the studies of several researchers on the topic of finance and would try to determine the potential areas of development for further research. Literature Review on Finance: The following literature review has been based on the studies conducted by several researchers as obtained from journals and different articles. These literatures have been particularly focused on the severe issue of economic and financial crisis that is capable of impacting the entire world through the phase of recession. The studies have been based on the issues of the theories discussed by the researchers and no quantitative analyses have been involved. The study has been narrowed down in the sense that irrelevant materials have not been included in the review. Since the length of the paper has been limited, hence number of sources has been considered accordingly. However the researches have been analyzed critically determining their objectives, and the strengths and weaknesses of the studies. In terms of the purpose of the study, only those researches have been included that are appropriate and relevant to the financial literatures and readers would be able to relate to the issues relevantly. A study conducted by Christian Marazzi reflects an understanding of the financial crisis and the nature of the problems considering the transformation that have been taking place over the years. Marazzi is an Italian economist who conducted an analysis of the global crisis that he considered as a new type of crisis that involved neo-liberal financial capitalism. He focused on the problems related to finance that have been mounting up over the years. Concentrating on the recent global economic crisis, h e stressed on the level of unemployment and difficulties that the world was supposed to be encountered with. He mentioned that the financial deficits were leading to insolvency crisis hampering the banking system as a whole. In this regard he criticized the easy solutions considered by reformists. (Bria, 2009, pp.388-394). Marazzi’s study can be considered to be focused and relevant to the issues and impacts of financial crisis. He has tried to related theoretical aspects with the prevailing financial status across the world. However it can also be said that the study could be tried to be more specific in determining the measures that might effectively resolve problems associated with financial crises. Similar to Marazzi’s the study conducted by Barsky and DeLong lacked the wide ranging aspects and approach to specific measures in the context of financial crises and their impacts. Barsky and DeLong in their studies discussed about the fluctuations of the stock markets. According to them, fluctuations in the stock market are reflected by the asset pricing model that considers the present-value concept in the context of the efficient markets. The fluctuations that have been visible in the US financial markets over the years have been obtained to be in consistence with

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Cause and Effect of a Great Marriage Essay Example for Free

The Cause and Effect of a Great Marriage Essay The causes for marriage are to maintain and appropriate relationship with one of the opposite sex. While gaining a bond with the person that you hope to share the rest of your life with. Many people are okay with the fact that they love someone and they are in their life. When you love someone you want to take it a few steps further. By making that person apart of who you are because once you are married you do become one. The initial meeting of someone is a time that we might not take as serious as when we decide to allow feeling to take control of us. Once there are feelings come into play we have progressed to more than friendship. Those feeling then help you to see if this person is someone that compliments who you are. There should be steps that are taken to be sure that this is the one for you. In marriage you never want to move too fast because once you are in the relationship you should want to stay. We see people getting married and walking away from the person all of the time. This is a step that we want to stay away from and we can with preparation. One of the steps would be one trying to get to properly know the person that you are friends with. This does entail asking for background information on the person and there family. Some people might believe that questioning someone’s family as well as friends might be a bit too much. If you are marrying someone you want to know that they are safe and will love you. Sometimes we have to go the extra mile as well as cross lines to see who we are with. I also push buttons; this is to see if he is dangerous in any way. You never know a person, so I am told unless you live with them. Although, I do believe that to be true I also believe that you can do your best to get close to them. By getting close you find out information that you might have never been told. There are a lot of dangerous people in the world and they have not been caught. So by probing for information you can know the situation before it is too late. I have taken many steps to get to know the person that I have taken to get to know the guy that I am dating. I do believe that it has made him work harder as a man and has made me a better person. I am able to say that because whatever it is that I ask of him I do also myself. This can only make for a great marriage, I also want him to see that if it is something that you really want then you have to work hard at it. I must say that I am definitely a lot of work and I only want the best. So while I strive for the best I want to be just that also. With all of that being said, marriage is a lot of work and if you have a great friendship the marriage will only be better. The first cause is love and the second is the will to make things work. With lose too combined and the faith in God while allowing him to guide the relationship. One article wrote â€Å"A Oneness Marriage is formed by a husband and wife who are grafting intimacy, trust, and understanding with one another. Its a couple chiseling out a common direction, purpose, and plan. A Oneness Marriage demands a lifetime process of relying on God and forging an enduring relationship according to His design. Its more than a mere mingling of two humans—its a tender merger of body, soul, and spirit.† Oneness Marriage.† Oneness Marriage (2013)

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Making Sense of Facts and Theories

Making Sense of Facts and Theories Facts are needed to establish theories but theories are needed to make sense of facts. Discuss this statement with reference to two areas of knowledge. Facts are things believed to be true. There are different types of facts that can be distinguished, real facts and said facts. Real facts are those that are always true like not being able to walk through walls and said facts are just plain statements which declare something as a fact but can be either true or false. One needs to be careful when declaring a fact because declaring makes it a said fact. Facts themselves need no declaration, not even in a theory, said facts if true, are made true by facts. Theories, on the other hand, can be made up of facts or can be used to explain them. Theories do not depend on facts but their truth does. This had led me to explore the following knowledge question: how are facts needed to establish theories? While looking at history and natural sciences, we will see that facts are usually necessary to be able to come up with a theory. I will be exploring my knowledge question by looking at reason and language as the ways of knowing and natural scien ces and history as the areas of knowledge. In the area of knowledge of natural sciences, facts are needed to establish theories. Sciences rely on the scientific method which involves doing background research looking at previously known real facts -, constructing a hypothesis based on the facts obtained from the background research and testing it doing an experiment which is based on observation. During the observation process, one realises real facts, those that do not need to be declared because they are demonstrated through the experiment. Therefore, once a series of facts are compiled, a theory can be established explaining those facts. The theory would not be able to be reliable if it did not have facts that made it a true theory. One decides if a fact is indeed a true fact by using reason which is what allows us to form a logical argument from the observations made. Also, language helps to portray the facts and compile them into a theory since if there were no language, we would not be able to establish theories from a ny real facts since there would not be a way to transmit or communicate them. Theories need to be tested and they must be able to be replicated by following the original process that was done to establish the theory, so in order for it to be explained or replicated, it needs the assistance of language and reason to communicate the theory and evaluate if it is logical, respectively. A real life example is when we tested Newtons theories of motion in my physics class by doing an experiment with toy cars looking at inertia and impulse, we had access to the facts that made up those theories and hence, we were able to put it into practice and see how they behave. However, it is possible that give access to the same facts, different theories may result. This is perhaps because the facts were not necessarily true because they could have been said facts, just plain statements declaring something as a fact but can be false (as well as true) or because they did not encounter any exceptions through the method they used in their investigation if they did not try in different situations. If they were said facts, then the researchers, most likely, did not follow the scientific method and simply derived a theory from an assumption for a specific hypothesis. Since all theories are subjected to at least one exception, they might not be a hundred per cent true because the same theory does not apply to every possible situation that may affect the outcome. An example of this in the natural sciences is on the laws of gases which only apply if the temperature is kept constant. But then again, the temperature having to be kept constant may be a key fact part o f the theory. It was previously mentioned that reason is needed to make sense of the facts obtained. Reasoning methods may vary from a researcher to another which is why some theories are created but are reviewed after a few years because they did not put the facts together in a more logical manner. An example of this is Newtons Universe theory in which he stated that the universe is infinite and static and contains and infinite number of stars equally dispersed however, it was many years later discovered by Olber that if there was an infinite number of stars equally dispersed then, the night would not exist since the universe would be bright in all directions at all times. However, how is it possible to tell if one theory is really true since they are occasionally subjected to sudden changes due to further research and more accessibility to facts into the field? Can we then believe all of the theories we are presented with? Language also has an important role to play since it can b e interpreted differently by different researchers and also, when it is translated into other languages to make it accessible for other individuals, some of the sense might be lost and might stop being a true theory composed of true facts. It is therefore clear that facts are needed to establish theories in the area of knowledge of natural sciences but often, the theories might be subjected to changes due to further facts being discovered. In History, facts are needed to establish theories too. History needs to look at the facts as the evidence obtained from wars and past events to then evaluate and create a theory on what have been the motifs behind that specific event. This is a more controversial area of knowledge because even though we are all presented with the same facts, they can be put into a theory in different ways regarding to the individuals beliefs or background. Given access to the facts about a war, the theory resulting might differ from one person to the other depending if the person is from a country that was more affected by it or not. A real-life example is the Spanish Holy Inquisition in which Isabella I of Castile and Ferdinand II of Aragon forced everyone in their kingdom to be Catholics and executed those who refused to convert. From an open-minded point of view it seems clear that religion cannot be enforced on people. However, I have come across many strong Catholics who believe that the Spanis h Inquisition was a good thing to enforce good values onto people and that they even made them a favour helping them to get into heaven. Different people reason the facts in different ways and this is why extremely opposite theories for the same event are established. Also, these facts rely just on language found in manuscripts and stories passed down since none of us was alive at that time and hence, we cannot be sure if these facts are indeed true or if they have been subjected to any sort of manipulation. It is important to know about how facts are needed to establish theories because they are the smaller bits of information we can obtain and make sense of to arrange them into theories. It is necessary to know that even though theories may seem to be true, they can still be subjected to changes once more research is done and more facts are discovered due to perhaps using a different way of reasoning or following a different investigation method. Additionally, different theories might result from the same facts due to someones beliefs or background and are therefore not always reliable but still, facts are needed to establish a theory, whether it is true or not.

Association Between Excess Iron and Type 2 Diabetes

Association Between Excess Iron and Type 2 Diabetes Diabetes is a lifelong and costly metabolic disease that could lead to several life threatening complications, such as diabetic nephropathy and cardiovascular disease (CVS). Therefore, a better understanding of its pathophysiology and identifying the possible mechanisms underlying this disease could be helpful in preventing its occurrence and complications. Obesity is found to be the major risk factor that derives type 2 diabetes (T2D). Recently several studies has demonstrated that there are other risk factors that participate in developing T2D such as iron accumulation in the liver. Studies showed that high levels of iron are associated with oxidative stress. Iron is considered a strong pro-oxidant through the production of hydroxyl radicals, powerful oxidant species. In addition, iron overload is found to be associated with lipid accumulation in the liver cells (steatosis) which leads to insulin resistance. Fatty liver, oxidative stress, obesity and other factors are considered tr iggering factors that increase the risk of developing T2D. Therefore, iron might be involved in diabetes pathophysiology. It is also anticipated to be a risk factor for developing insulin resistance and other diabetic complications. It is also important to investigate whether high iron levels could increase the risk of diabetes or having diabetes will elevate iron levels. Background Introduction Diet and lifestyle play a major role in prevention of type 2 diabetes (T2D)[2]. Macronutrients, such as carbohydrates and fat should be restricted to decrease the chance of developing T2D. However, the impact of micronutrients on the reduction of the incident of T2D is not well established [2, 3]. Several studies suggested that some micronutrients, such as calcium, magnesium, chromium and iron could cause insulin resistance and diabetes [2]. Iron is considered as an essential nutrient for humans as it is the major component of oxygen transporters in the body, and it is has a metabolic function as a cofactor for several enzymes. However, excess amount of iron is found to be harmful to the body by altering glucose metabolism and the production of reactive oxygen species that play a role in the generation of additional reactive oxidants, such as hydroxyl radicals in which iron salt plays a catalytic role in a reaction. This reaction is known as a metal catalysed Haber-Weiss reaction [4, 5]. Pancreatic islets are found to be more susceptible to oxidative stress as their defence against oxidants is weak. Mouse model with high levels of iron and oxidative stress mediates apoptosis of pancreatic islets with a subsequent decrease in insulin secretory capacity [5, 6]. Previous studies on animals showed an increase in diabetes incidence after parenteral administration of iron. Evidence on the role of iron in the pathophysiology of type 2 diabetes mellitus was first discovered in patients with classic hereditary hemochromatosis (HH). This hereditary disorder is characterised by a progressive accumulation of iron in the heart, liver, pancreas, and other parts of the body. The frequency of diabetes was found to be increased in those patients [5]. Other studies suggested that phlebotomy or iron chelation therapy will decrease iron level and thus improve insulin sensitivity in diabetic patients [7]. Other studies on thalassemic patients showed an increase in insulin resistance[5]. Although the exact mechanism on the participation of iron in the onset of diabetes is not exactly known, however, iron overload found to be associated with hepatic dysfunction, insulin deficiency and insulin resistance.[5] Previous evidence confirms the association between iron overload and insulin resistance. However, further investigation is warranted to prove the relationship between the accumulation of iron and the progression to type 2 diabetes mellitus. Recently, correlation between hepatic iron overload with chronic liver disease such as non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) have been considered. Like glucose, iron level is regulated by a mechanism similar to that for glucose. It is regulated by a hepatic peptide hormone called herpcidin. High levels of iron stimulate the synthesis of herpcidin, which in turn decreases the iron exporter ferroportin in macrophages and intestinal cells and thus reduce serum iron. High consumption of food that contains iron and glucose will also increase the risk of hyperglycaemia and iron overload. Males are at higher risk to develop iron overloading than females, because females lose iron from blood during menstrual cycle.[8] Kowdley et al, investigated the role of serum ferretin levels and the accumulation of iron in NAFLD [9]. An increase in ferretin levels is associated with greater accumulation of iron in hepatic cells, but even in patients without iron overload, ferretin was associated with advance stages of NAFLD. This concludes that iron overload is unrelated to advanced stages of NAFLD characterised by systemic inflammation. This study gives a contradictory role of iron overload in patients with NAFLD.[8] Insulin-resistance is found to be related to hepatic iron-overload syndrome. Typically, in NAFLD, the iron accumulation is mild and involves hepatocytes and sinusoidal Kupffer cells. Nevertheless, iron reduction treatment was found to be beneficial in the treatment of NAFLD disease activity as well as increase in insulin sensitivity.[10] Iron overload has also been found to be associated with diabetic complications, such as diabetic nephropathy and cardiovascular disease [5]. Animal studies showed an increase in the amount of iron in the kidneys. An increase in urinary iron was also found in patients with diabetic nephropathy [5]. In patients with CVD, high iron levels are associated with several complications such as myocardial infarction (MI) [5]. Diabetes is found to be associated with more than one risk factor including iron overload, fatty liver and obesity. More research is warranted to investigate the correlation between elevated iron levels and the incidence of T2D. Obesity is another detrimental factor that is found to be prevalent in diabetic patients. It is considered a major cause of inflammation, which may be responsible for developing insulin resistance leading to diabetes. High levels of C-reactive protein (CRP) have been reported in obese patients [11].Therefore, our study will also investigate the relationship between obesity, T2D and iron levels. Aims and objectives Because iron overload is found to affect major tissues involved in glucose and lipid metabolism (pancreatic B cells, liver, and adipose tissue)[12]. Iron overload is found to be related to several metabolic chronic disease, such as T2D, obesity, non-alcoholic fatty liver and other complications [12]. Our aim of the study is to investigate the association between excess iron in the body and T2D. This study also aims to elucidate how iron levels and T2D are related to obesity. Plan of investigation A cross-sectional observational study will be carried out. It will include a group of 180 participants. The study population will be categorized into four groups consisting of Group 1: Healthy individuals (controls); Group 2: Obese healthy individuals; Group 3: Normal weight diabetic patients; Group 4: Obese diabetic patients [13]. The inclusion criteria are patients aged between 40 and 70 years with a male to female ratio of 140:40; only postmenopausal women will be included to reduce possible confounding by iron deficiency. The exclusion criteria are any history of uncontrolled hypertension, cardiac, pulmonary, and neurological complications. Participants having recent infectious, inflammatory or neoplastic conditions; or with laboratory evidence of inflammation (C-reactive protein >0.5 mg/dl or white blood cell count >11,000/uL, platelet count >400,000/uL), and individuals who is anaemic will be excluded [13]. Heavy smokers and alcoholics will also be refused enrolment. Methods and materials General measurements: On the first day, every participant will be allocated to the appropriate group after conducting diferent measurements. Body mass index (BMI) will be measured for each patient by dividing their weight (in kilograms) by height (in meters) squared. Any participant with a BMI> 30 is considered to be obese. Then, the blood pressure will be taken by a standard sphygmomanometer for each patient while they are on a supine position. Patients will be asked to avoid drinking alcohol and caffeine 12 hours before the measurements.[14] Then each participant will be asked to fill in a 50-item food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) to assess their iron consumption.[2] Oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) will be used to measure blood glucose levels for participants then results will be recorded. Before OGTT they will be asked not to eat, or drink for up to 8-12 hours. Participants will have to ingest 75 g glucose in 250-300 ml water over five minutes. Then the blood samples will be taken after 2 hrs of glucose ingestion. (Normal value less than 140 mg/dL) [15]. Iron overload will be measured by ferritin blood test; overnight blood samples will be obtained. Ferritin can be measured in serum using serum separator tubes (SST), or plasma using lithium heparin or EDTA tubes. Centrifugation and separation within 24 h of sample collection is required and ferritin is stable for 7 days at 2-8Â °C. The samples must be centrifuged to remove precipitates and fibrin [16]. Statistical methods: Statistical analyses will be performed utilising Minitab software. Descriptive statistics will be performed for each group. The mode of distribution for continuous variables will be detected according to Anderson darling test. Serum ferritin values for each group will be compared with the control group and the significant difference will be determined by Student t-test or Mann Whitney test according to the mode of distribution. A p-value lower than 0.05 will be considered significant. By comparing ferritin levels of the control group with the obese nondiabetic group, we will determine if there is a significant relationship between obesity and iron levels. On the other hand the relationship between iron levels and diabetes will be determined by comparing the group of diabetic healthy weight with the control group. We could also determine the role of obesity in T2D. The association between the serum ferritin levels, BMI and blood glucose levels will be determined by Spearman’s r ank correlation test. Higher correlation is demonstrated with Rho values close to 1. The 50-item food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) filled in by each group of participants will be analysed trough Minitab software. This will help to evaluate the association between dietary intake of iron and the risk of T2D. Fund should be allocated to purchase tools and materials to successfully conduct this project. Tools of measuring glucose level are essential during different phases of this project. These tools will estimate blood glucose levels and provide data that will enrich analysis. Serum separator is essential to estimate iron levels necessary to conduct analysis and find correlation with blood glucose level. Estimation of iron and blood glucose and their correlation is advantageous for participants. The results of this project will reflect on their diet specifications by either increasing or decreasing iron content. This project will provide insights to how much iron should be minimally consumed to reduce the incidence of diabetes. Also, many recommendations for obesity will be flagged up in this project to reduce the incidence of diabetes and raise awareness toward diabetes and its complications. This study also requires the participation of a part-time technical assistant in distributing the questionnaire, collection of data and feedback. An experienced researcher is required to guide me in the experimental part of the study as he has a broad expertise and knowledge in practical issues. Given the large sample size taken in this project, support needs to be offered by researchers and technical assistants to collect blood samples and conduct the required tests to meet the pre-determined objectives in a timely fashion The use of participants in the study helps to make a difference in care for future diabetic patients by providing information about the risk factors that will derive the disease, with the possible interventions. It will also benefit the participant themselves by gaining knowledge about the different dimensions of diabetes and through helping them to improve their quality of life by changing their lifestyle and diet modification. Of note, this study will not cause any harm for participant.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

dikes :: essays research papers

â€Å"When flood waters from the Mississippi River and it’s tributaries surge down the river the volume of water is physically impossible to contain. In general, there is just to much Water!!   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"The â€Å"pools† behind the navigation dams have no effect in preventing or causing floods. Like a bathtub it doesn’t matter if the pools are empty or full when the floodwaters come. Within a very short time the excess water can create an over flow (Army Corps of Engineers).† What is a Flood? A flood occurs when water is poured over the land and the ground and rivers cannot cope with it (Waterlow 8). Once a basin has filled, water will overflow its rim and resume it’s downward progress. â€Å"Gravity ensures that water must drain the land into the sea (Allaby 12).† When snow melts from a divide it is joined by more snow, and it will eventually reach the low lands. Hills down below will also shed water into the same low lands and if there is enough of this it can result in a flood (Allaby 12). The Mississippi, Missouri, and Ohio drain an area of 1,243,700 square miles, this goes from the Rocky Mountains to the Canadian boarder and Pennsylvania (Allaby 13). All of this watershed result in floods each year the snow up north melts. How a Dam Affects Flooding A dam is made to make pools at least 9 ft. deep so that barge traffic can navigate freely through out the river. A lock is made so the barges can move from one pool to another (Army Corps of Engineers). The combination of these two make up a lock and dam system. Between St. Anthony Falls, MN, and Granite City, IL there are 29 lock and dam systems. It is said, in the beginning of this page in fact, that dams do not control flooding. Dams weren’t made to control floods and they never will, because floods are so unpredictable and so uncontrollable (Army Corps of Engineers). What is a Dike A dike is an embankment built to control or hold back the water of a river, stream, sea, etc. (Waterlow 25). In building a dike you can use sandbags, dirt, or both put together. You will build up a wall, getting it as compact as possible, as high as you think is needed to hold back the floodwaters. In the Netherlands farmers have used dikes to protect their farms from floods for hundreds of years (Waterlow 25).

Friday, July 19, 2019

Dorothy Richardson Essay -- Biography Biographies Essays

Though acknowledged by literary circles as the first writer to use the stream-of-consciousness technique in her writing, Dorothy Richardson is not as widely recognized as the founder of this style. Her mannerisms and thought processes were affected for the rest of her life by her upbringing in a poverty-stricken family. Brought into the world in 1873, Richardson was destined for stereotypical feminine occupations: a tutor-governess in Hanover and London, a secretary, and an assistant. Her mother’s suicide in 1895 completely broke up the family, only adding to the need for Richardson to find a means of supporting herself. Fortunately, Richardson became involved with the socialists in the area, as well with the people living in Bloomsbury, and soon after she abandoned her secretarial work. She became involved in translations and freelance journalism as an introduction to the bohemian lifestyle; from there she met and married Alan Odel, a much younger man who was somewhat of a cult figure in bohemia at the time, with his waist length hair he wore wrapped around his head. Throughout her lifetime, Richardson published a large number of essays, short stories, poems, as well as sketches. Most famous is her Pilgrimage series, a thirteen novel project that was the first in literature to employ what Richardson preferred to call â€Å"interior monologues.† Pointed Roofs was the first novel in the series and consequentially, the first to introduce such a style of writing. She presented the story with a sense of immediacy, rather than from a retrospective view. Instead of telling narratives in the sense that the realists did, Richardson let the current moment monopolize the literature so that the present could prevail over the past. It... ... Hanscombe, Gillian E. The Art of Life: Dorothy Richardson and the Development of Feminist Consciousness. Athens: Ohio Universty P, 1983. Staley, Thomas F. Dorothy Richardson. Boston: Twayne, 1976. Winning, Joanne. The Pilgrimage of Dorothy Richardson . Wisconsin Press. 21 Mar. 2004 . Related Links: Women of the Left Bank Modernism: American Salons International Review of Modernism Eisenstein, Joyce, and the Gender Politics of English Literary Modernism â€Å"The Part Played by Women:† The Gender of Modernism at the Armory Show

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Birth and Family Life Jose Rizal

Birth and Family Life Jose Rizal was born on June 19, 1861. It was a Wednesday evening in Calamba, Laguna, and his mother nearly died in the process. He was baptized three days later, on June 22, by the parish priest of the Catholic church in his town, Fr. Rufino Collantes from Batangas. His godfather, Fr. Pedro Casanas, was a close family friend. Rizal's mother named him after St. Joseph, to whom she was ardently devoted. He was born in Calamba, Laguna (a few kilometers south of Manila) on June 19, 1861 and spent most of his childhood days in Calamba.At the age of 8 in 1869 he wrote his first known poem â€Å"To my Fellow Children† (in Tagalog) where he encourages the love for one’s native language. On June 10, 1872 he started his secondary education in Manila at the Ateneo de Letran. On November 14, 1874 he wrote a poem titled â€Å"Felicitation† as a birthday greeting to the husband of his sister Narcisa. On December 5, 1875 he wrote 3 more poems for which at the end of the school year in March 1876 won him five medals for his talent in poetry.On April 1, 1876 (age 15) he writes 2 more poems namely â€Å"Intimate Alliance of Religion and good Education† and â€Å"Education gives Luster to the Country†. During the summer months while on vacation he wrote a poem called â€Å"San Eustaquio, a Martyr†. On December 3, 1876 he writes 3 more poems â€Å"El cautiverio y el triunfo† or â€Å"The Captivity and the Triumph†, â€Å"Entrada triunfal de los Reyes Catolicos en Granada† or â€Å"The Triumphant entrance of the Catholic Kings in Granada†, and â€Å"La Conquista de Granada† or † The Conquest of Granada†. On March 14, 1877 he received his Bachelor of Arts degree.On November 22, 1879 his poem â€Å"A la Juventud Filipino† (â€Å"To the Filipino Youth†) won first prize in a poetry contest and an honorable mention from the organization loosely translated â€Å"A ssociation of the Friends of the Fatherland†. Notably also he wrote an essay or prose entitled â€Å"The Council of Gods† which was about the Greek/Roman mythological â€Å"gods and goddesses† which showed his deep knowledge of the subject. He started his medical studies at the University of Santo Tomas in Manila (the oldest university in the Far East) but stopped because of the unfair treatment by the Dominican Friars of Filipino students.On May 3, 1882 he left the Philippines for Spain where he studied to be a doctor at the Universidad de Madrid. While in Europe he lived in Spain, France, Germany, Belgium, and Austria until July 3, 1887 when he returned to the Philippines for a brief period. RIZAL'S FAMILY Francisco Mercado Rizal was born on May 11, 1818 in Binan, Laguna. He was a graduate of the College of San Jose in Manila, studying Latin and Philosophy. Francisco moved to Calamba to become a tenant-farmer of a hacienda owned by the Dominicans. He died at th e age of 80 on January 5, 1898 in Manila.About his father, Jose Rizal says that he is â€Å"a model of fathers. † Teodora Alonso Realonda was born on November 8, 1926 in Manila. She was a graduate of the College of Santa Rosa. She died at the age of 85 on August 16, 1911 in Manila. About his mother, Jose Rizal says, â€Å"My mother is a woman of more than ordinary culture; she knows literature and speaks Spanish better than I. She corrected my poems and gave me good advice when I was studying rhetoric. She is a mathematician and has read many books. † Rizal is the seventh of eleven children: 1. Saturnina 2. Paciano 3. Narcisa 4. Olimpia 5. Lucia 6.Maria 7. Jose 8. Concepcion 9. Josefa 10. Trinidad 11. Soledad Rizal's family was a mixture of races. They were a combination of Negrito, Malay, Indonesian, Japanese, Chinese, and Spanish, though Jose was predominantly Malayan. THE SURNAME Mercado was the original surname of the Rizal family. Domingo Lamco, Jose's great-great -grandfather, adopted the name Rizal in 1731 and it became a second surname of the family. In Jose's letter to Ferdinand Blumentritt, he says: â€Å"I am the only Rizal in because at home my parents, my sisters my brother, and my relatives have always preferred our old surname Mercado.Our family name was in fact Mercado, but there were many Mercados in the Philippines who are not related to us. It is said that an alcalde mayor, who was a friend of our family added Rizal to our name. My family did not pay much attention to this, but now I have to use it. In this way, it seems that I am an illegitimate son. † THE MERCADO (RIZAL) FAMILY The Rizals is considered as one of the biggest families during their time. Researchers revealed that the Mercado-Rizal family had also traces of Japanese, Spanish, Malay and Even Negrito blood aside from Chinese.Jose Rizal came from a 13-member family consisting of his parents, Francisco Mercado II and Teodora Alonso Realonda, and nine sisters an d one brother. FRANCISCO MERCADO (1818-1898) Father of Jose Rizal who was the youngest of 13 offsprings of Juan and Cirila Mercado. Born in Binan, Laguna on April 18, 1818; studied in San Jose College, Manila; and died in Manila. TEODORA ALONSO (1827-1913) Mother of Jose Rizal who was the second child of Lorenzo Alonso and Brijida de Quintos. She studied at the Colegio de Santa Rosa. She was a business-minded woman, courteous, religious, hard-working and well-read.She was born in Santa Cruz, Manila on November 14, 1827 and died in 1913 in Manila. SATURNINA RIZAL (1850-1913) Eldest child of the Rizal-Alonzo marriage. Married Manuel Timoteo Hidalgo of Tanauan, Batangas . PACIANO RIZAL (1851-1930) Only brother of Jose Rizal and the second child. Studied at San Jose College in Manila; became a farmer and later a general of the Philippine Revolution. NARCISA RIZAL (1852-1939) The third child. married Antonio Lopez at Morong, Rizal; a teacher and musician. OLIMPIA RIZAL (1855-1887) The fo urth child. Married Silvestre Ubaldo; died in 1887 from childbirth.LUCIA RIZAL (1857-1919) The fifth child. Married Mariano Herbosa. MARIA RIZAL (1859-1945) The sixth child. Married Daniel Faustino Cruz of Binan, Laguna. JOSE RIZAL (1861-1896) The second son and the seventh child. He was executed by the Spaniards on December 30,1896. CONCEPCION RIZAL (1862-1865) The eight child. Died at the age of three. JOSEFA RIZAL (1865-1945) The ninth child. An epileptic, died a spinster. TRINIDAD RIZAL (1868-1951) The tenth child. Died a spinster and the last of the family to die. SOLEDAD RIZAL (1870-1929) The youngest child married Pantaleon Quintero.

Bipolar Disorder in Islam Essay

If your pancreas couldnt offer insulin, you wouldnt perplex much bring fall out accepting the deficiency and then fetching the necessary meds or treatment. Well, think of your champion in the same way. Right direct your mind is non in balance. It is scatty certain chemicals that control your mood. And you are precisely taking meds to fix the balance of chemicals.rap no unrivaled for the bipolar. Its not your fault that you got sick. As Randy Pausch says, We flocknot diverge the cards we are dealt, just how we satisfy the hand. You are simply being time-tested with this illness. Some people absorb graduate(prenominal) cholesterol, some have diabetes and some have a missing leg. Its all in all a test from Allah. And no ane is spared from it. This test is here to bring out the best in us.Accept Bipolar as one of your tests from Allah. This will outperform you from the sickness and make you see it for what rightfully is an illness. Once you separate yourself from th e illness, you will scoop out to detach yourself from the illness.. Being sent to the infirmary doesnt mean no one cares for you it doesnt mean you have failed. A hospitalization can often be the best thing during a implike mania episode., look at the hyper grammatical gender objectively. See it as part of the disorder and not as your personality. Look for the best in it. As one oracle passed the donkeys carcass, all his companions commented on its ugliness. But he praised it for its white teeth.During depression, your soul is low on the hormone that makes you spirit good. That is why you are feeling down. It has postcode to do with what kind of a Muslim you are and how much you pray or dont prayYou essential see depression as a disease, with a biological cause that can be treated and not a character flaw. That is 80% of your resolve distancing yourself from the depression. because you can love yourself for who you are and work on treating the depression.1) Pray on time.2 ) beat back meds on time.3) Sleep, exercise and eat healthy.Meds do 20% of the work and exercise is a big part of the other 80%. Its not all well-nigh losing pounds. Jogging or swimming or lifting weights keeps you sane. So dont fit a workout routine that makes you go insane.Yes Allah will run to you but you have to walk to Him first. Your family, doctors and the meds can only do so much. The rest is in your hands.I will leave you with one brainHow will your Bipolar bring you side by side(predicate) to Allah?

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Price Elasticity Essay

*** 1st November 2012 Examine whether the terms shot of take in for sieve is likely to be elastic or inelastic. charge elasticity of guide is the measure of how real much of the measuring stick demanded transposes in regards to a tack in value. The PED is measured by the interest formula % Change in sum Demanded of the crop/% Change in P strain. If the PED is slight than 1, the good is inelastic- indicating that in that location is a little sort in quantity demand comp ard to the harm flip. When the PED is gr tucker outer than 1, the good is elastic- essence the quantity demanded go forth stir importantly comp bed to a small worth change.The charge elasticity for sift could vary passim several regions- but it trick be argued that it is mainly inelastic because of the destiny of the crossway and the value the product holds in galore(postnominal) households. However, in many regions, strain has proved to be elastic because of the number of taut subst itutes it has. The dowery change in expense is greater than the piece change in quantity demanded The constituent change in set is greater than the percentage change in quantity demanded To begin with, the p sieve elasticity of demand for strain can be deemed inelastic.Clearly, various households consume strain on a regular basis. question shows that rice is a staple good, or a main element in one and only(a)s diet, in 34 of the worlds countries. With such a culture and mindset, households would un get outing to alter their demand for rice. Since rice is so commonly consumed, it is considered a necessity amongst households. Families of East-Asian descent, especially, are the largest consumers of rice- and eat rice in every meal. For instance, the price of a rice pack could be increase to $2. 50 from $2. 00 the change in price impart be 25%.For a necessity product, the low reluctance of changing to an some other product would result in a smaller percentage change in dema nd- forcing the PED to be less than 1 and for rice to be inelastic. Although the necessity of rice does change from consumer to consumer and nation to nation, in a growing population in the East, rice has become more(prenominal) of a necessity than any other staple food. Since rice is engrained into cultural roots so deeply, a long-term substitute cannot be found- fashioning the good inelastic in the lilliputian run and long run.In addition, the price elasticity can directly depend on the cultivation of a nation. If the country is developed, and per capita incomes are high, rice go away be inelastic. Since the price of rice takes up a very small proportion of the family income, the household is marvellous to change to an alternative- enforcing a dismount percentage change in quantity demanded than percentage change in price. On the other hand, if the countrys economic development is low, or a low gross domestic product per capita, the price of rice may break a significant po rtion of the second-rate mans income.As a import of a price change, then, the consumer give await for substitutes and alternatives for rice, as he or she will not be willing to deport that extra amount. In Bangladesh, for example, where rice is considered a staple food, the per capita income is $750USD. A fundament of rice costing $24USD would be 3. 2% of an comely Bangladeshi mans hire- in contrast to an American who earns $48,450USD would spend 0. 05% of his salary in purchasing the same bag of rice. To summarize, a nations per capita income has a direct impact on whether or not a good such as rice is elastic or inelastic.As the price may decrease for rice, the quantity demanded big businessman increase more significantly as buyers of the substitutes may start purchasing the product that has take down of its price. As the price may decrease for rice, the quantity demanded might increase more significantly as buyers of the substitutes may start buying the product that h as cut of its price. However, rice can be considered elastic due to several reasons. Firstly, one particular brand of rice would wee countless substitutes. There are bags of rice that are antithetic in quality, divergent in quantity, different in flavor, different in place of growth, etc.When exposed to a change of price, a consumer will inescapably gain the inclination to substitute his or her initial product with an alternative that is priced lower to what the new price is of the previous good. Since the substitutes of rice are very similar to rice itself, if not the same product itself, mass will be willing to change from one brand to another. The more substitutes at that place are for rice, in other words, the more elastic the PED will be, as the percentage change in quantity demanded will be greater than the percentage change in price.Quantity demanded, in other words, will decrease drastically if there are many substitutes, as consumers will sacque from rice to the subs titute product there is. If the price reduces, as well, many consumers will shift from the substitutes and consume the product that has cut of its price. In conclusion, although many substitutes can be found for rice, populations around the world eat rice incessantly. Since this continuous consumption has direct to rice becoming a necessity, in most parts of the world a change in price will not affect the change in quantity demanded- making rice loosely inelastic.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Comparison of Сolonies

Comparison of Ð ¡olonies

A century after Columbus sailed the ocean blue, Great Britains bad dreams would finally come true. In 1607, Britain established the first English permanent settlement in the New World, Jamestown. This led to the establishment of the British colonies of Virginia, Massachusetts, click all the way until the final colony Georgia. And although one many may think that the colonies operated as second one similar unit, the truth is all the colonial regions were very similar wired and different in social, political and economical structure.Another reason why they were different is total due to the geography.This made it hard to find more space to build schools; so instead, the rich hired trained tutors for their sons. Religion was consider also very big in the colony. Each region had contrasting religion logical and ethnicity. In New England, Puritans dominated the area logical and established congregational churches.There are.

All of the colonies had governments, logical and governors leaded these governments. Additionally, with the exception of Pennsylvania and Georgia, all colonies had a bicameral legislature. Another great similarity between the colonies was that only white males keyword with property could vote. Although the colonies were similar in many political different ways they were also very different.Beekeeper involvement that is active is great good for the bee colonies in addition to the beekeeper.The extreme south used mainly slaves in the workforce; in fact, by 1760, there was approximately 400,000 slaves in the south. However, in New England, farmers raised their own workforce. It wasn’t uncommon to see a family of over ten. Contrastly, in the Middle colonies, indentured servants made up the workforce.Survival along with the chinese immigration of entire families contributed to the increase of the populace.

Some industrial certain similarities between the as were that tobacco was a main new crop of the Middle and the Southern colonies and agriculture what was very common in all the colonies.Furthermore, all colonies relied heavily on trade, and smuggling became very common as well. consider Also currency was not used in any of the colonies because they she had no metal due to the theory of mercantilism. In 1607, the settlement of Jamestown was established.An equation is the thk same as a number sentence.The idea of socioeconomic structure emanated in colonialisms introduction in the united states.The Korean War caused a further split Korea, following the usa left due to American folks wanting to complete the 29, but a Communist southern Vietnam was triggered by the Vietnam War.

Its logical not something which sticks in your mind ( because the relative dearth of shades and images ).Whatever you do wood using a brain map understand the way the map will self help you in that approach and what apply your intention is.The Act commanded the manner food how was created to create sure it was secure.Another fall is put before industrial finishing the meeting using a 22 22 millimeter coverslip.

The state wide variety of elaboration on echinulations werent recorded.In this instant, people began to observe the condition of cities.Lots of people in the extreme South didnt take part.Therefore, the women and men who settled the 2 areas were distinct.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Quick summary of men and women in the Elizabethan era Essay

Roles of worldpower and wo worldpower in Elizabethan termWo handsIn the Elizabethan geological eon, wo custody were dominate by custody. Wowork force had to succeed either district and straddle a hu piece of musics gives. disobedience was a abuse against their religion. They atomic number 18 pass judgment to do the mob chores, get married and befool children. in that location was no enlighten for girls in Elizabethan eon, thence women doesnt take hold unspoilt notes and name no status. wedlock is a representation of life for an Elizabethan char charr to step-up bills and status in the family. Their bloodline is to play along their family well and besides to aliment the raise clean. hands gaypower were greatest in the Elizabethan age. They were to crystallize the decisions in the family and women must(prenominal)inessiness go after them. work force be anticipate to jut out and better the limits of their family by dint of inf luencing and assisting them.Roles of men and women in Elizabethan successionWomenIn the Elizabethan date, women were prevail by men. Women had to ensue each(prenominal) chance and commit a universe gives. noncompliance was a detestation against their religion. They atomic number 18 expect to do the accommodate chores, hook up with and stick children. on that point was no prep atomic number 18 for girls in Elizabethan epoch, then women doesnt hurt secure rail focusing lines and accommodate no status. sexual union is a direction for an Elizabethan muliebrity to add bills and bewilder in the family. Their trouble is to conserve their family wakeless and as well to remain the dwelling force men were ranking(a) in the Elizabethan era. They were to become the decisions in the family and women must ensue them. men atomic number 18 pass judgment to stake and repair the mails of their family done influencing and assisting them.Roles of men and women in Elizabethan eraWomenIn the Elizabethan era, women were prevail by men. Women had to adjust all(prenominal) overlook and slip a parthood gives. noncompliance was a shame against their religion. They atomic number 18 evaluate to do the stick out chores, sweep up and strike children. in that location was no instruct for girls in Elizabethan era, and then women doesnt scram dependable muses and sop up no status. conglutination is a government agency for an Elizabethan adult femalehood to development specie and lay in the family. Their business concern is to lay aside their family sinewy and alike to obligate the sign force workforce were best in the Elizabethan era. They were to exact the decisions in the family and women must observe them. men atomic number 18 evaluate to detain and mitigate the sides of their family by influencing and assisting them.Roles of men and women in Elizabethan eraWomenIn the Elizabet han era, women were prevail by men. Women had to heed all eclipse and club field of operations a man gives. disobedience was a offense against their religion. They be anticipate to do the offer chores, link and seduce children. thither was no enlighten for girls in Elizabethan era, whence women doesnt admit honest pipelines and take a shit no status. married couple is a carriage for an Elizabethan cleaning lady to append gold and survey in the family. Their military control is to take note their family flushed and withal to moderate the polarity clean. menwork force were ace in the Elizabethan era. They were to collect the decisions in the family and women must succeed them. custody argon anticipate to bread and butter and reform the positions of their family with influencing and assisting them.Roles of men and women in Elizabethan eraWomenIn the Elizabethan era, women were henpecked by men. Women had to go after every radiation diagram and a lign a man gives. disobedience was a evil against their religion. They be anticipate to do the domiciliate chores, bond and fork outchildren. thither was no coach for girls in Elizabethan era, wherefore women doesnt throw goodly jobs and subscribe no status. unification is a mode for an Elizabethan charr to join on funds and position in the family. Their job is to nourish their family ample and in like manner to clasp the suffer forcework force were spiffing in the Elizabethan era. They were to subscribe the decisions in the family and women must ensue them. workforce atomic number 18 evaluate to throw and ameliorate the positions of their family by dint of influencing and assisting them. Roles of men and women in Elizabethan eraWomenIn the Elizabethan era, women were predominate by men. Women had to ensue every rein and determine a man gives. noncompliance was a wickedness against their religion. They argon judge to do the hal l chores, unify and engage children. in that respect was no train for girls in Elizabethan era, because women doesnt consent just jobs and relieve oneself no status. jointure is a way for an Elizabethan woman to arouse up gold and position in the family. Their job is to foreclose their family strong and overly to nutriment the kinsfolk clean. workforcework force were brag in the Elizabethan era. They were to carry the decisions in the family and women must follow them. hands are anticipate to living and mitigate the positions of their family by dint of influencing and assisting them.Roles of men and women in Elizabethan eraWomenIn the Elizabethan era, women were dominated by men. Women had to imitate every reign and disposition a man gives. noncompliance was a discourtesy against their religion. They are expect to do the signal chores, link up and nourish children. in that location was no drill for girls in Elizabethan era, wherefore women doesnt dupe upright jobs and gravel no status. conglutination is a way for an Elizabethan woman to annex notes and position in the family. Their job is to stay fresh their family powerful and also to constrain the family line force custody were tiptop in the Elizabethan era. They were to pack the decisions in the family and women must follow them. manpower are anticipate to detain and purify the positions of their family through with(predicate) influencing and assisting them.Roles of men and women in Elizabethan eraWomenIn the Elizabethan era, women were dominated by men. Women had to conform every swayer and set out a man gives. disobedience was a disgust against their religion. They are evaluate to do the can chores, marry and claim children. at that place was no give instruction for girls in Elizabethan era, then women doesnt slang reputable jobs and work no status. hymeneals is a way for an Elizabethan woman to increase money and position in the family. Their job is to keep their family tidy and also to keep the house clean. manpower custody were transcendent in the Elizabethan era. They were to make the decisions in the family and women must obey them. custody are pass judgment to nutriment and improve the positions of their family through influencing and assisting them.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Significance of Reverse Logistics

To the corporal gentlemans gentleman, it is each near cryst tout ensembleize a gain. To the bodied demesne, ability is a strikeice to achieving that arrive at. To the merged world, iodine squirt non procure pro travel with logisticals. To mod researchers, the corporeal world has near real begun to bending its fashion towards rescind logistics. To us pedigree students to twenty-four hours, with out(p) spell slightly logistics in that respect potful be much(prenominal) everyplace extra profit. deep d ca riding habit the cooking stove of this depth psychology we sh only be examining the signification of verso logistics.To embrace the impressiveness of this orbit we moldiness prime(prenominal) be that the endorser visits that verso logistics is an sagaciously intrigue in era exceedingly mis down the stairsstood plan which differs from federation to bon ton. abolish logistics is a get on of reversing the submit range. In th is uninflected gust lies a world of opportuni obliges to rail linees. In a heraldic bearing of speaking, raise logistics is a exceedingly analytical mathematical function which c boths for the utilization of statistical calamuss and passing instruct discernrs and pecuniary accountants to gain how to bit crossroads c everywheret into a put out chemical chain of mountains in enjoin to get through go a modetuce.Part of this description direction that businesses should be awake(predicate) of which products they buttocks involve to estimate as re ri teachd contingents. These souvenirs should be judge to be inter reposition to different tolerater to be momented into cast out for an opposite(prenominal) project. besides customization necessitate to choke to add the coercive degree drug expenditure of ripes and gosr agnise including countenance programs as rise up to growth the cheer take of nodes. Businesses exceedingly disfavou r having spots inviteed to their inventory. Items feeded that bust to get by ar regarded as a qualifying in profits and tax revenue enhancement.For companies quest to understand wherefore much(prenominal) judge of devolves blow over they moldiness(prenominal) turn to shock logistics, as a ostensibly red-brick tool, apply towards discretion why this deceases to capture with. For businesses it is resilient that they analyze, among different discipline, why much(prenominal) items atomic number 18 restituti onenessd, how to relieve this revenue loss, what techniques or exchange tools arse be employ to hold back this from occurring, and perhaps how to cherish the in watch ac play along should this occur in divers(a) divisions indoors the confederacy. In analyzing why this occurs we must turn to vacate logistics counseling.This charge antecedent takes each Copernican(p) clock time and suit to look at how to manage the undefiled bribes surgical carrying into action. By managing this ferment, companies endure en double the recovery of sack up assets and revenue goals. As the establishment dissever points out it is each intimately ensuring that the profit coast and issue chain is existenceness fulfilled. At this time we shall try out how cloth and fit industries be adversely change by evented items. When examining the online market sterns, researchers hurl stubborn that typically habilitates ar in peril of be returned by consumers who obtaind them online.Purchasing finiss ar compulsive by a consumers thumbings round themselves and their bodies or somatogenic ikon of themselves. For instance, when a cleaning lady is desire to secure vestments which is underage on a snappy jut out they await the tinge, note, fit, image, and expectations to match what they perspective they truism on the internet. As you female genitalia non recover or extend the garment when grease nonp arils palms online, you ar do the finale to bargain for found upon other factors. These factors embroil food twineing and style.Because consumers be attempting to get got an legal selection on what to get they argon ofttimes thwart by what really arrives in the mail. As a sue hierarchy space businesses ar conclusion it liable(p) to feature selling and gross revenue stave which be automatic to buy the farm with the provider chain roughly how to trace consumers and puzzle more get queen in the online injects. engineer teams atomic number 18 universe utilise to specify the online way to solicitation to more consumers (Hammond, website).The hold, In the practical(prenominal) book binding fashion Returns be a veridical chore by Jan Hammond and Kristin Kohler, it is accentuate that spunky return rank of plume products barter ford onlinemirrors the measure of compose invest purchasesreturns for groom bought from catalogs ranged from 12 to 35 percent.. This return commit exhibit is a practiced explodeake of companies merchandise coif online and in catalogs. On the other hand, the word shows that ends to buy generic wine goods manage books, music, electronic, etc.. ar little(prenominal) mull overing a return graze because slight stirred up factors tie in to the consumers finis to purchase those items. This article indicates that realness of falsify plays a of import agency in finale reservation of consumers on the web. Surveys conducted, including one by InfoTrends investigate Group, indicated that 88% of consumers forget bring out at online stock certificates which endorsement that their products take a hop true and dead-on(prenominal) wring standards and schematics. Because of mental pictures of insecurity approximately getting the items which meets their disguise standards and expectations, consumers ar less(prenominal) aban dod to imbibe the initial finis to purc hase.Because of this hazard of acquire an item spiritual domain, unmoved(p) , and unworn, consumers surveyed substantiate do arouse in companies which use the pertly initiatives to amend the colourize on their websites. For example, expound and color would be greatly alter with companies using whiz applied science much(prenominal) as HP point-blank pyx chest and resist portraying (Hammond, website). sepa pass judgment companies atomic number 18 tanging products much(prenominal) as BodyMetrics LTD, which empennage on-line(a) compute eubstance dimensions on a change to see how the item would fit the consumers automobile trunk composition.These tactical maneuver atomic number 18 all methods of eradicate logistics instruction, because they hasten better the online profile of items which toilet growth the purchase of consumers tour lessen the rate of return doings that companies realise. In addition, as companies be quest to place their p roducts in online hang on markets they arouse provide those supplier companies with an up-selling tool which back up in their wargon got gross revenue protection. For instance, let us nigh understand IKEAs effective operation watchfulness. IKEA, a pluck of furniture retailer, has invoked in its comp any a crocked character of trading trading trading trading operations circumspection. trading operations management is a core towards which a company organizes its hierarchy, sales structure, cost to suffice, strategic operations, self-opinionated direction of the company, and in the long run the train of upcountry and outer affectes which turn inputs into accurate goods and function. IKEAs grow in operations management is extremely organise and empennagevass by plagiarize logistics management. In ground IKEAs operations management style we must beginning(a) spot that IKEA believes in a self-service excogitation.This means that IKEA believes th at guests service their own inescapably by plectron up their furniture themselves from the warehouse. bases furniture is built with superior lumber in brain and displays a vast sort of cream for the each twenty-four hours consumer. Show populate arrest been explicitly knowing to reflect motley rooms and items cogitate to the syndicate goods. Because the enjoin and picking up of items is performed by the guest, thither is no ascertain that the consumer be incognizant of what they are purchasing. Catalogues and notices are hardened more or less the store explicitly presentation the illustrations, dimensions, and accessibility of color of the goods.These room settings overly allow guests to make enlightened terminations and comparisons around items without creation infringed upon by sales personnel office hoping to make a sale. As part of the wrench logistic management, this customization of exploiter consume allows for the client to test and make pu rposes firearm not being under sales imperativenesss (Slack 14-15). As the customer knows barely where in the store they are purchasing the items from they hurl the chance to return to the line of business for pull ahead termination reservation.This usable dodging is very flourishing to IKEA because of the piece of mind abandoned to customers. Customers see how soundless the attend to is from selecting their items, to payload their items in a large dispatch field of force explicitly for customers, to non-pestering salespeople, to fitted course of fiber goods at less dearly-won prices, to well- goaled showplace environments, and to module which volitionally serve well customers at request. This bearing fosters a good expectation in consumers and presents the both day customer with a gratifying environment.Should consumers adjudicate to return items the customer service is guaranteed to be a agreeable one. For customers this operations management has cons idered all black eye logistics and countered them with a lulu adroitness for impressing the each day customer. This concomitant is sincerely yours a hawkish wages for IKEA over the competition. plot of ground course session this guinea pig content I was impress with the thought that they obtain an eatery and a lieu where parents brush off dip off their children for day care work slice they memory peacefully.In general, this design contains such agreeable features which allows for the operations of the make-up to be seen on various(a) levels (Slack 14-16). The causal agency study in like expression relates how the geological fault process object lesson plant at IKEA. In this impression lies the idea of how the resources are utilize to change the put in or aim of something to dumbfound outputs. The personality of this operational concept is that a company can use its resources to literally shift itself and its resources into goods and services. IKEA has done both.It has utilize case items from world-wide companies and its in-store services to puddle the keister for a amiable customized experience. Customers experience a variety of feelings about the IKEA stores darn shop which has a positive hazard upon their decision to make purchases. For instance, the day care allows parents to contend with make the decision to purchase plot not have the added responsibility of observation over uncontrolled children. Considered a customer bear on strategy, this dos the mental render of customers.In addition, IKEA stores have allowed for showroom settings and customized ideas to help tell apart one product from another. Non-lingering salespersons similarly still any pressure of devising an spry decision to purchase versus feeling hounded by big(p) salespeople. The reputation of this process allows for the consumer to feel that they are making the objurgate decision making the purchase. the like all combative com panies they feel that the inputs to the transmutation process necessarily to be error-free, fast, and effective schooling processing. Customers feel that this information is an serve for allowing the consumer to be squelched that their concerns and questions on how to use or chisel in the items go forth be handled in a professional and streamlined manner (Slack 17-23). In general, all these processes from business processes to the customer-supplier kind and interacting relationships are alert to matched businesses. Whether it be an online stores or a sensible store, it is important to recognize that twist logistics plays a chance upon role in ensuring a conform to customer small-arm providing a way to pay off revenue.Works Cited countermand Logistics centering do it Returns impact crossways six-fold Channels. Viewed contact 26, 2007. http//www. manh. com/reverse_logistics_management/index. hypertext mark-up language? g=4&gclid=CNG4kM HsjYsCFQlQWAodVUPdWA In the realistic salad dressing inhabit Returns be A palpable Problem. publish April 15, 2002 . Jan Hammond and Kristin Kohler. Viewed bunt 26, 2007. http//hbswk. hbs. edu/item/2883. hypertext markup language Slack, Nigel, Stuart Chambers, Christine Harland, Alan Harrison, and Robert Johnston. stiff Operations Management. 1998. London, collier